We are pleased to offer our patients CEREC restoration services, a superior method of creating precisely designed, colour matched and highly durable ceramic restorations right in our practice. From inlay/onlays to full crowns to veneers, CEREC delivers the results you need in a single appointment.
Sirolase Soft tissue Laser technology at the practice allows us to do gingival periodontal surgery and disinfection of root canals to provide high quality care for our patients. Minor oral surgical procedures and biopsies can be performed more comfortably than with traditional methods.
Diagnodent Laser is used to detect the depth of cavities in decayed enamel and dentine so we can determine if a filling is needed.
Digital X Rays allows instant results in the diagnosis of dental problems. The patient benefits from a reduction in x ray exposure as well as the elimination of chemicals in processing which helps to keep our environment safer.
The latest in orthodontic technology now allows treatment to be faster, safer, easier and more affordable. This patented technology has been University tested over 20 years and will provide patients with a stunning smile.